Entries alphabetically by author -- E to J

  • Journals and commonplace books of Jacob Corey, 1773-1802 (inclusive). B MS b240.1, Volume 6, Countway Library of Medicine.
  • Lambertus a S. Audomaro: Liber Floridus, Saint-Omer, 1121, f. 18v-19r
  • Clementinum, Prague, Baroque Library, picture taken by Bruno Delzant, License CC BY 2.0, detail.<https://www.flickr.com/photos/23303621@N02/2771327135>
Clicking on the names and titles below, you will find a further reading bibliography unfolding that the authors of each short entry in Information: A Historical Companion (2021)  have compiled and updated for their entry.  To move on to the next part (entries K to P), please click here. To move back to the chapter section, please click here

Eddy diagrams

Baxandall, Michael Painting and Experience in Renaissance Italy, 1988.

Bender, John, and Michael Marrinan, The Culture of Diagram, 2010.

Brasseur, Lee E. Visualising Technical Information: A Cultural Critique, 2003.

Curie, Marie. Notebook (1899-1902), Bound MS, Wellcome Trust Library, MS 1978.

Denis Diderot, A Diderot Pictorial Encyclopedia of Trades and Industry Volumes 1 and 2, Charles C. Gillispie (Ed.), 1993.

Eddy, Matthew Daniel. "How to See a Diagram: A Visual Anthropology of Chemical Affinity" Osiris, 26 (2014), 178-196.

Eddy, Matthew Daniel. "The Nature of Notebooks: How Enlightenment Schoolchildren Transformed the Tabula Rasa’, Journal of British Studies, 57 (2018), 275-307.

Helfand, Jessica. Reinventing the Wheel, 2002.

Latour, Bruno. ‘Visualisation and Cognition: Drawing Things Together" In H. Kuklick (Ed.), Knowledge and Society: Studies in the Sociology of Culture Past and Present, 1986.

Lima, Manuel. The Book of Circles: Visualizing Spheres of Knowledge, 2017.

Nasim, Omar W. Observing by Hand: Sketching the Nebulae in the Nineteenth Century, 2014.

Netz, Reviel. The Shaping of Deduction in Greek Mathematics: A Study in Cognitive History, 2003.

Pietsch, Theodore W. Trees of Life: A Visual History of Evolution, 2013.

Priest, Greg, Silvia De Toffoli and Paula Findlen, ‘Tools of Reason: The Practice of Scientific Diagramming from Antiquity to the Present’, Endeavour (2018), in press.

Richardson, Jane S. Early "Ribbon Drawings of Proteins." Nature Structural Biology, 7 (2000), 624-625.

Robson, Eleanor. "Words and Pictures: New light on Plimpton 322’, The American Mathematical Monthly, 109 (2002), 105-120.

Rosenberg, Daniel, and Anthony Grafton, Cartographies of Time: A History of the Timeline, 2012.

Emery, Joy Spanabel. A History of the Paper Pattern Industry: The Home Dressmaking Fashion Revolution, 2014.

Tversky, Barbara. "The Cognitive Design of Tools of Thought’, Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 6 (2015), 99-116.

Warwick, Andrew. Masters of Theory: Cambridge and the Rise of Mathematical Physics, 2003.

Winterburn, Emily. "Learned Modesty and the First Lady's Comet: A Commentary on Caroline Herschel (1787) An Account of a New Comet’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 373 (2015), 1-11.

Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Philosophical Investigations, G. E. M. Anscombe (trans.),1967.

Fisher bells

  • Arnold, John H., and Caroline Goodson. "Resounding Community: the History and Meaning of Medieval Church Bells." Viator 43, no. 1 (2012): 99-130.
  • Atkinson, Niall. The Noisy Renaissance: Sound, Architecture, and Florentine Urban Life, 2016.
  • Blavignac, Jean-Daniel. La Cloche, études sur son histoire et sur ses rapports avec la société aux différents âges, 1877.
  • Corbin, Alain. Village Bells: Sound and Meaning in the Nineteenth-Century French Countryside, trans. Martin Thom, 1998.
  • Champion, Matthew. The Fullness of Time: Temporalities of the Fifteenth-Century Low Countries. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018.
  • Dohrn-van Rossum, Gerhard. "Campanile und Minarett. Konflikte in städtischen Lautsphären seit dem Mittelalter." In Lautsphären des Mittelalters. Akustische Perspektiven zwischen Lärm und Stille, edited by Martin Clauss, Gesine Mierke and Antonia Krüger, 235-70. Vienna, Cologne, Weimar: Böhlau, 2020.
  • Garceau, Michelle E. "‘I Call the People.’ Church Bells in Fourteenth-Century Catalunya." Journal of Medieval History 37 (2011): 197-214.
  • Hahn, Philip. "The Reformation of the Soundscape: Bell Ringing in Early Modern Lutheran Germany." German History 33, no. 4 (2015): 525-45.
  • Hense, Ansgar. Glockenläuten und Uhrenschlag. Der Gebrauch von Kirchenglocken in der kirchlichen und staatlichen Rechtsordnung, 1998.
  • Lubken, Deborah. "Joyful Ringing, Solemn Tolling: Methods and Meanings of Early American Tower Bells." William & Mary Quarterly 69 (2012): 823-42.
  • MacKinnon, Dolly. "‘The bell, like a speedy messenger, runs from house to house, and ear to ear’: The Auditory Markers of Gender, Politics and Identity in England, 1500-1700." In Sound, Space and Civility in the British World, 1700-1850, edited by Peter Denney, Bruce Buchan, David Ellison and Karen Crawley, 65-82. New York: Routledge, 2018.
  • Marsh, Christopher. "'At it ding dong': Recreation and Religion in the English Belfry, 1580-1640." In Worship and the Parish Church in Early Modern Britain, edited by Natalie Mears and Alec Ryrie, 151-72. Farnham: Ashgate, 2013.
  • Missfelder, Jan-Friedrich. "Glocken." In Handbuch Sound. Geschichte - Begriffe - Ansätze, edited by Daniel Morat and Hansjakob Ziemer, 329-31. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 2018.
  • Otte, Heinrich. Glockenkunde, 1884.
  • Price, Percival. Bells and Man, 1983.
  • Toelle, Jutta. "Todas las naciones han de oyrla: Bells in the Jesuit reducciones of Early Modern Paraguay." Journal of Jesuit Studies 3, no. 3 (2016): 437-50.
  • Vögele, Wolfgang. Sono Auribus Viventium. Kultur und Theologie des Glockenläutens in der Reformation und der Moderne. Münster, Berlin: LIT-Verlag, 2017.
  • Weinryb, Ittai. The Bronze Object in the Middle Ages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
  • Westcott, Wendell. Bells and Their Music, 1970.

Flow professors

Burnett, C. “Give Him the White Cow: Notes and Note-Taking in the Universities in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries.” History of Universities no.14 (1995-96, pub. 1998):1-30.

Clark, William. Academic Charisma and the Origins of the Research University, 2006.

Dainat, Holger. “Mitschrift, Nachschrift, Referat, Korreferat. Über studentisches Schreiben im 19. Jahrhundert.” Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur 40.2 (2015): 306-28.

Friese, Heidrun. “Thresholds in the Ambit of Discourse: On the Establishment of Authority at Academic Conferences.” In Little Tools of Knowledge: Historical Essays on Academic and Bureaucratic Practices, edited by Peter Becker and William Clark, 2000.

Galison, Peter. “Laboratory War: Radar Philosophy and the Los Alamos Man,” and “Bubble Chambers: Factories of Physics.” In (same author) Image and Logic: A Material Culture of Microphysics, 1997.

Grafton, Anthony. “Polyhistor into Philolog: Notes on the Transformation of German Classical Scholarship, 1780-1850.” History of Universities 3 (1983): 159-92.

Haugen, K. “Academic Charisma and the Old Regime.” History of Universities 22.1 (2007): 199-228.

Turner, R. Steven. “The Growth of Professorial Research in Prussia, 1818-1848—Causes and Context.” Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 3 (1971): 137-82.

Friedrich archivists

Coussemaker, F. de: Thierry Gherbode, premier garde des chartes de Flandre et secrétaire de ducs de Bourgogne Philippe le Hardi et Jean sans Peur, étude biographique, in: Annales du Comité flamand de France 26 (1901-1902), p. 175–385.


Deutrich, Mabel E.: Women in Archives. Ms. versus Mr. Archivist, in: The American Archivist, April 1973, 171-181.

Filippini, Orietta: Memoria della Chiesa, memoria dello stato. Il archivio di Carlo Cartari, Bologna 2010.

Friedrich, Markus: Being an Archivist in Enlightened France: The Case of Pierre-Camille Le Moine (1723-1800), in: European History Quarterly 46 (2016), S. 568–589.

Friedrich, Markus: The Birth of the Archive. A History of Knowledge, Ann Arbor 2018 (German ed. 2013.

Grebe, Marc-André: Akten, Archive, Absolutismus? Das Kronarchiv von Simancas im Herrschaftsgefüge der spanischen Habsburger (1540 - 1598), Frankfurt am Main 2012.

Guyotjeannin, Olivier: Un archiviste du XIVe siècle entre érudition et service du Prince. Les “Notabilia” de Gérard de Montaigu, in: Histoires d'Archives. Recueil d'articles offert à Lucie Favier par ses collègues et amis, Paris 1997, S. 299–316.

Leesch, Wolfgang: Die deutschen Archivare 1500 - 1945. 2 voll., München u.a. 1985-1992.

Löhr, Wolfgang: Johann Gottfried von Märcken (1714-1787. Archivar der Reichsherrschaft Myllendonk, in: Neuheuser, Hanns Peter (Hg.): Archiv und Geschichte. Festschrift Rudolf Brandts, Köln 1978, S. 175–184.

Mollet, Vincent: Les chartistes dans les archives départementales avant le décret de 1850, in: Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes 151 (1993), p. 123–154.

Ottnad, Bernd: Das Berufsbild des Archivars vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart, in: Richter, Gregor (Hg.): Aus der Arbeit des Archivars. Festschrift für Eberhard Gönner, Stuttgart 1986, S. 1–22.

Ramingen, Jacob von: Von der Registratur und jren Gebäuen und Regimenten. Ein lustiger Auszug deren Bücher, welche Herr Jacob von Rammingen geschrieben, Heidelberg 1571.

Rosa, Mario: Un médiateur dans la République des lettres. le bibliothécaire, in: Bots, Hans/Waquet, Francoise (Hg.): Commercium Litterarium. La communication dans la république des lettres. Forms of communication in the republic of letters, Amsterdam 1994, p. 81–99.

Shepherd, Elizabeth: Hidden voices in the archives: pioneering women archivists in early 20th-century England, in: Foscarini, Fiorella/MacNeil, Heather/Mak, Bonnie/Oliver, Gillian (Hg.): Engaging with records and archives. Histories and theories, London 2016, S. 83–103.

Shepherd, Elizabeth: Pioneering women archivists in England. Ethel Stokes (1870–1944), record agent, in: Archival Science 17 (2017), p. 175–194.

Vivo, Filippo de/Guidi, Andrea/Silvestri, Alessandro (Hg.): Archivi e archivisti in Italia tra Medioevo ed età moderna. Prima edizione, Rome 2015.

Vivo, Filippo de/Guidi, Andrea/Silvestri, Alessandro (Hg.): Fonti per la storia degli archivi degli antichi Stati italiani, Rome 2016.

Frow commodification

Boyle, James The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind, 2008.

Drahos, Peter and John Braithwaite, Information Feudalism, 2002.

Frow, John. Time and Commodity Culture, 1997.

Garnham, Nicholas. Capitalism and Communication: Global Culture and the Economics of Information, 1990.

Gibson-Graham, J.K. A Postcapitalist Politics, 2006.

Jefferson,Thomas Letter of 13 August 1813, Writings, 1984, 1291-1292.

Lessig, Lawrence. Free Culture, 2004.

Locksley, Gareth “Information Technology and Capitalist Development,” Capital and Class 27 (Winter 1986), 81-105.

Mauss, Marcel. The Gift: Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies, 1966

Radin, Margaret. Contested Commodities, 1996.

Thrift, Nigel. Knowing Capitalism, 2005.

Verdery, Katherine and Caroline Humphrey, eds. Property in Question: Value Transformation in the Global Economy, 2004.

Gillespie platforms


Abbate, Janet. 2017. “What and Where Is the Internet?(Re) Defining Internet Histories.” Internet Histories 1(1–2):8–14.

Brunton, Finn. 2017. “Notes from/Dev/Null.” Internet Histories 1(1–2):138–45.

Brunton, Finn. 2013. Spam: A Shadow History of the Internet. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Carmi, Elinor. 2019. “The Hidden Listeners: Regulating the Line from Telephone Operators to Content Moderators.” International Journal of Communication 13:440–58.

Crain, Matthew. 2014. “Financial Markets and Online Advertising: Reevaluating the Dotcom Investment Bubble.” Information, Communication & Society 17(3):371–84. doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2013.869615.

Crain, Matthew. 2021. Profit over Privacy: How Surveillance Advertising Conquered the Internet. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Driscoll, Kevin. 2022. The Modem World: A Prehistory of Social Media. MIT Press.

Driscoll, Kevin. 2016. “Social Media’s Dial-Up Ancestor: The Bulletin Board System.” IEEE Spectrum 53(11):54–60.

Driscoll, Kevin, and Camille Paloque-Berges. 2017. “Searching for Missing ‘Net Histories.’” Internet Histories 1–13.

Ensmenger, N. 2012. “Is Chess the Drosophila of Artificial Intelligence? A Social History of an Algorithm.” Social Studies of Science 42(1):5–30. doi: 10.1177/0306312711424596.

Gawer, Annabelle, ed. 2011. Platforms, Markets and Innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc.

Gehl, Robert W. 2011. “The Archive and the Processor: The Internal Logic of Web 2.0.” New Media & Society 13 (8): 1228-1244.

Gillespie, Tarleton. 2018. Custodians of the Internet: Platforms, Content Moderation, and the Hidden Decisions That Shape Social Media. New Haven: Yale University Press.

McKinney, Cait, and Dylan Mulvin. 2019. “Bugs: Rethinking the History of Computing.” Communication, Culture and Critique 12(4):476–98. doi: 10.1093/ccc/tcz039.

Medina, Eden. 2011. Cybernetic Revolutionaries: Technology and Politics in Allende’s Chile. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.

Plantin, Jean-Christophe, Carl Lagoze, Paul N. Edwards, and Christian Sandvig. 2016. “Infrastructure Studies Meet Platform Studies in the Age of Google and Facebook.” New Media & Society, 20 (1): 293-310.

Raymond, Eric S. 1998. “The Cathedral and the Bazaar.” First Monday, 3 ( https://firstmonday.org/article/view/578/499 ).

Roberts, Sarah T. 2019. Behind the Screen: Content Moderation in the Shadows of Social Media. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Starosielski, Nicole. 2015. The Undersea Network. Durham: Duke University Press.

Streeter, Thomas. 2017. “The Internet as a Structure of Feeling: 1992–1996.” Internet Histories 1(1–2):79–89.

Turner, Fred. 2013. The Democratic Surround: Multimedia and American Liberalism from World War II to the Psychedelic Sixties. University of Chicago Press.

Turner, Fred. 2017. “Can We Write a Cultural History of the Internet? If so, How?” Internet Histories 1(1–2):39–46.

van Dijck, José. 2013. The Culture of Connectivity: A Critical History of Social Media. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Goeing appraising

Bourdieu, Pierre. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste, tr. Richard Nice. Abingdon: Routledge, 1986.


Daston, Lorraine, and Katharine Park, Case study "Monsters", in: Lorraine Daston, Katharine Park, Wonders and the Order of Nature, 1150-1750, NewYork: Zone, 2001, 173-214.


Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung, official German association of Horse Riding, keyword " horse breeding", (https://www.pferd-aktuell.de/5216_1#ZWS)


EquiAppraisal, https://equiappraisal.com/


Evelyn, John. The Diary of John Evelyn, ed. by William Bray, 1901.


Franz, M. (1998) Wahres/Gutes/Schönes. In: Dahnke, HD., Otto, R. (eds): Goethe Handbuch, 1998, 1115-1117.


German Hanoverian Association, Auctions, example (https://en.hannoveraner.com/verden-auction/collection-of-the-135th-elite-auction/)


Hinds, Hilary, and George Fox and Early Quaker Culture, Manchester Scholarship Online, 2012, DOI:10.7228/manchester/9780719081576.003.0005, pp. 82-99.


Riello, G. ‘“Things seen and unseen”: the material culture of early modern inventories and their representation of domestic interiors’ in P. Findlen (ed.), Early Modern Things: Objects and Their Histories, 1500–1800, 2013,125–50.


Spaeth, Donald. (2016) ‘Orderly made’: re-appraising household inventories in seventeenth-century England, Social History, 41,4 (2016): 417-435, DOI: 10.1080/03071022.2016.1215101


Strong, Jeremy. "The Modern Offal Eaters." Gastronomica, Vol. 6, 2 (2006): 30-39.


Goeing connected learning

Ben Zaken, Avner. Reading Hayy Ibn-Yaqzan: a cross-cultural history of autodidacticism, 2011.

Blair, Ann. "Conrad Gessner’s Paratexts," Gesnerus, 73:1, (2016): 73–122.

Blair, Ann. "Printing and Humanism in the Work of Conrad Gessner," Renaissance Quarterly, 70:1 (2017), 1-43.

Böhning, Holger, et al. Selbstlesen-Selbstdenken-Selbstschreiben. Prozesse der Selbstbildung von "Autodidakten" unter dem Einfluss von Aufklärung und Volksaufklärung vom 17. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. Bremen: edition lumière, 2015.

Collins, Anthony. A Discourse of Free-Thinking: Occasion’d by the Rise and Growth of a Sect Call’d Free-Thinkers. London, 1713.

Connected Learning Alliance: https://clalliance.org/about-connected-learning/ (accessed Jan 16, 2019)

Goeing, Anja-Silvia. Storing, Archiving, Organizing: The Changing Dynamics of Scholarly Information Management in Post-Reformation Zurich, 2017.

Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm. Deutsches Wörterbuch. Leipzig: Hirzel, 1854-1961. http://www.woerterbuchnetz.de (accessed Jan 15, 2019)

Ibn Tufail. Philosophus Autodidactus, tr. Edward Pocock. Oxford, 1671.

Luschnat, Otto. "Autodidaktos, eine Begriffsgeschichte". In Fritz Maass (ed.). Theologia Viatorum VIII, Jahrbuch der Kirchlichen Hochschule Berlin 1961/62. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 157-172.

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Émile ou De l'Éducation. The Hague: Naulme, 1762.

Siemens, George. "Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age." International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. 2 (2004): 3-10.

Velten, Hans Rudolf. Die Autodidakten. Zum Aufkommen eines wissenschaftlichen Diskurses über Intellektuelle gegen Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts. In Jutta Held (ed.), Intellektuelle in der Frühen Neuzeit, 2002.

Westover, Tara. Educated. New York: Randomhouse, 2018.




Goeing teaching

Cohen, Amnon, and Bernard Lewis. Population and Revenue in the Towns of Palestine in the Sixteenth Century, 1978.

“Compulsory Education”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compulsory_education#Per-country_variation...

Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung, “Reitabzeichen”, https://www.pferd-aktuell.de/reitabzeichen/abzeichen-im-ueberblick/abzeichen-im-ueberblick

Elman, Benjamin. A Cultural History of Modern Science in China, 2006.

Fehler, Timothy G., et al., eds, Religious Diaspora in Early Modern Europe: Strategies of Exile, 2014.

Gerber, Jane S. Jewish Society in Fez, 1450-1700: Studies in Communal and Economic Life, 1980.

Hilgendorf, Eric, Islamic Education: History and Tendency, Peabody Journal of education, 78 no. 2 (2003), 63-75

International Standard Classification of Education, 2012

Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/

Lawrence-Lightfoot, Sara, Growing Each Other Up: When Our Children Become Our Teachers, 2016.

MacHardy, Karin J.: Cultural Capital, Family Strategy and Noble Identity in Early Modern Habsburg Augstria 1579-1620,Past and Present 163 (1999), p. 36-75.

Moosa, Ebrahim, What is a Madrasa? 2015.

National Center for Education Statistics: “Age range for compulsory school attendance,” https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d17/tables/dt17_234.10.asp?current=yes

Niece, Richard, “Compulsory Education: Milestone or Millstone?” The High School Journal, 67, No. 1 (Oct. - Nov., 1983), pp. 32-35

Reagan, Timothy, Non-Western Educational Traditions: Local Approaches to Thought and Practice, 2018.

Tamari, Stephen E. Teaching and Learning in 18th century Damascus: Localism and Ottomanism in an early modern Arab society, Dissertation, Washington, D.C., 1998, Ann Arbor: UMI 1998.


Grafton scrolls and rolls

Bagnall, Roger.  Early Christian Books in Egypt, 2009.


Kelly, Thomas Forrest. The Role of the Scroll: An Illustrated Introduction to Scrolls in the Middle Ages, 2019.


Kenyon, Frederic. Books and Readers in Ancient Greece and Rome, 2nd ed., 1951.


Nongbri, Brent. God’s Library: The Archaeology of the Earliest Christian Manuscripts, 2018.


Rampling, Jennifer.  “A Secret Language: The Ripley Scrolls,” in Art and Alchemy: The Mystery of Transformation, edited by Sven Dupré, Dedo von Kerssenbrock-Kosigk and Beat Wismer, 2014, 38-49.


Schmidt, Victor. “Some Notes on Scrolls in the Middle Ages,” Quaerendo 41 (2011): 373–83.


Skemer, Don. Binding Words: Textual Amulets in the Middle Ages, 2006.


Stallybrass, Peter. “Books and Scrolls: Navigating the Bible,” in Books and Readers in Early Modern England: Material Studies, edited by Jennifer Andersen and Elizabeth Sauer, 2002, 42–77.


Turner, E. G. Greek Papyri: An Introduction, 1980.


Gurd publication

Bolter, J. David. Remediation: Understanding New Media, 1999.


Cassirer, Ernst. The Logic of the Cultural Sciences: Five Studies, 2000.

Eisenstein, Elizabeth L. The Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communications and Cultural Transformations in Early Modern Europe, 1979.

Febvre, Lucien Paul Victor. The Coming of the Book: The Impact of Printing 1450-1800, 1976.

Gurd, Sean Alexander. Work in Progress: Literary Revision as Social Performance in Ancient Rome, 2012.

Hadot, Pierre. Philosophy as a Way of Life: Spiritual Exercises from Socrates to Foucault, 1995.

McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, 1964.

Riggsby, Andrew. Mosaics of Knowledge: Representing Information in the Roman World, 2019.

Stock, Brian. After Augustine: The Meditative Reader and the Text, 2001.

Warner, Michael. Publics and Counterpublics, 2002.


Havens forgery

Freeman, Arthur. Bibliotheca Fictiva: A Collection of Books & Manuscripts Relating to Literary Forgery 400 BC-AD 2000, 2014.


Grafton, Anthony. Forgers and Critics: Creativity and Duplicity in Wester Scholarship , 1990.

Havens, Earle. (ed.), Fakes, Lies, and Forgeries: Rare Books and Manuscripts from the Arthur and Janet Freeman Bibliotheca Fictiva Collection , 2016.

Lynch, Jack. Deception and Detection in Eighteenth-Century Britain, 2008.

Roach, Levi. Forgery and Memory at the End of the First Millennium (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2021)

Rowland, Ingrid D. The Scariths of Scornello: A Tale of Renaissance Forgery, 2004.

Stephens, Walter, and Earle Havens (eds.). Literary Forgery in Early Modern Europe, 1450-1800, 2018.

Tutino, Stefania. A Fake Saint and the True Church: The Story of a Forgery in Seventeenth Century Naples (New York: Oxford University Press, 2021)


*Links to past conferences and RSA sessions:












Havens plagiarism

Cook, Trevor. “The Scourge of Plagiary: Perversions of Imitation in the English Renaissance,” University of Toronto Quarterly 83 (2014): 39-63.


Dougherty, M. V. Disguised Academic Plagiarism: A Typology and Case Studies for Researchers and Editors, 2020.

Eden, Kathy. “Literary Property and the Question of Style: A Prehistory.” In Borrowed Feathers: Plagiarism and the Limits of Imitation in Early Modern Europe, edited by Hall Bjøornstad, 2008.

Freeman, Arthur. Bibliotheca Fictiva: A Collection of Books & Manuscripts relating to Literary Forgery, 400 BC–AD 2000, 2014.

Kewes, Paulina. Authorship and Appropriation: Writing for the Stage in England, 1660-1710, 1998.

Macfarlane, Robert. Original Copy: Plagiarism and Originality in Nineteenth-Century Literature, 2007.

McGill, Scott. Plagiarism in Latin Literature, 2012.

Terry, Richard. The Plagiarism Allegation in English Literature from Butler to Sterne, 2010.

Haynes error

Error: citations and further reading


p. 424: “communications circuit”: Robert Darnton, “What is the History of Books”, Daedalus 111:3 (1982) 65–83.


p. 426: Die Wissenschaft des Nicht Wissenswerten: Lajos (also Ludwig) Hatvany’s “The science of things not worth having a science of” was published in 1908 and expanded and revised in 1911. It was subsequently reprinted, with annotations, in 1986.

William James: The Works of William James, vol. 1: Pragmatism, ed. Fredson Bowers (1975), p. 30: “It is astonishing to see how many philosophical disputes collapse into insignificance the moment you subject them to this simple test of tracing a concrete consequence. There can be no difference which doesn’t make a difference—no difference in abstract truth which does not express itself in a difference of concrete fact, and in conduct consequent upon the fact, imposed on somebody, somehow, somewhere, and somewhen.” James first made these remarks, in a slightly different form, in his lecture “Philosophical Conceptions and Practical Results” (1898).

Gregory Bateson: defined so in the glossary to Mind and Nature (1979), p. 228. See further his lecture “Form, Substance, and Difference” delivered in 1970 and reprinted in Steps to an Ecology of Mind (1972), p. 460: “what we mean by information — the elementary unit of information — is a difference which makes a difference.” (See elsewhere in that volume pp. 276 and 323.)

Frederick Douglass: The Frederick Douglas Papers, Series 2: Autobiographical Writings, vol. 1: Narrative, ed. John W. Blassingame, John R. McKivigan, and Peter P. Hinks (1999), p. 31. In vol. 2: My Bondage and My Freedom, ed. John W. Blassingame, John R. McKivigan, and Peter P. Hinks (2003), p. 84, being taught to read the Bible “would forever unfit him for the duties of a slave”; cf. vol. 3: Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, ed. John R. McKivigan (2012), book 1, p. 62.


p. 427: Seneca: epistle 2; cf. epistle 84.

Benjamin Rush: Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases of the Mind (1812), p. 37.

Dryasdust, Dr. Syntax, Edward Casaubon: Dryasdust, a fictional authority on antiquarian matters in the prefaces to several novels by Walter Scott; Dr. Syntax, comically depicted by Thomas Rowlandson; Edward Casaubon, character in George Eliot, Middlemarch (1872)

cultural theory of risk: influentially developed by Mary Douglas and Aaron Wildavsky, Risk and Culture: An Essay on the Selection of Technical and Environmental Dangers (1982).  


p. 428:  correctors or…professional proofreaders: cf. John L. Flood, “The Book in Reformation Germany,” in Jean-François Gilmont, ed., The Reformation and the Book (1998), p. 50: “[the separate trade of] the professional proofreader did not develop until about 1540”; Elizabeth Story Donno, “Abraham Fleming: A Learned Corrector in 1586–87,” Studies in Bibliography 42 (1989) 200-211; Jacques André, “Petite histoire des signes de correction typographique,” Cahiers GUTenberg 31 (December 1998) 45–59; Anthony Grafton, The Culture of Correction in Renaissance Europe (2012); Jerome Hornschuch, Orthotypia (1608).


p. 429: Ian Maclean: Scholarship, Commerce, Religion: The Learned Book in the Age of Confessions, 1560-1630 (2012), pp. 61–2.

Ann Blair: Too Much to Know: Managing Scholarly Information before the Modern Age (2010).

index card: besides Blair, see also Markus Krajewski, trans. Peter Krapp, Paper Machines: About Cards & Catalogues (2011; originally published in German in 2002);  Heike Gfrereis and Ellen Strittmatter, eds,  Zettelkästen: Maschinen Der Phantasie (2013); and Jean-François Bert, Une Histoire de la fiche érudite (2017).

Joris-Karl Huysmans, Anatole France, or Charles Péguy: see Huysmans, Là-bas (1891); France, L’Île des Pinguouins (1908); and Péguy, Clio: Dialogue de l’histoire et de l’âme paienne (1917). They were anticipated by Jean Paul in Leben des Quintus Fixlein (1796), whose hero collects errata and, inspired by the method of Johann Jakob Moser, arranges autobiographical material in fifteen Zettelkästen.

Joseph de Maimieux: Pasigraphie (1797), p. 5.


p. 430: Coleridge… “dangerous habit of desultory and unconnected reading”: “Prospectus to the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana” (1817), The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, vol. 11: Shorter Works and Fragments (1995), ed. H.J. Jackson and J.R. de J. Jackson, part one, p. 586. Elsewhere he identifies “the habit of perusing periodical works” as one of the “weakeners of memory”; cf. The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, vol. 7: Biographia Literaria (1983), ed. James Engell and W. Jackson Bate, part one, p. 49.

Coleridge…“the general taste for unconnected writing”: in a letter to Thomas Poole on January 28, 1810; Collected Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, ed. Earl Leslie Griggs, 6 vols (1956–71), vol. 3, p. 280.

Nabokov: Nikolai Gogol (1961), p. 64.

James Beattie: “Theory of Language”, in Dissertations Moral and Critical, 2 vols (1783), vol. 2, p. 200.

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Jed Z. Buchwald and Mordechai Feingold…date it: Newton and the Origin of Civilization (2013), pp. 65 and 71.


p. 431: Whateley’s: recte Whately’s




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